Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Baby Jace...

Man who knew if you had a second baby they would grow with the blink of an eye! Really it is WAY faster with the second baby. My baby's already past the half way mark to a year. In 10 days he will be 8 months old! I can't believe that 8 months has flown by this fast! He is such a happy baby! Really! And so easy going. His smile just beams all day every day. And he has already mastered the art of flirting. I'm in for it! He gets the attention of any girl/woman around and smiles with his big old dimples and cocks his head to the side just cute as can be to melt the heart of the girl he's swooning! Lately he started babbling. He'll just talk to himself or his toys or brother. It's the cutest thing! And he's learning 'Dada' and 'Mama'. He will look at us and say it so I know he really understands what he's saying. He's also eating solid foods now. Poor guy has some of the worst allergies so we are keeping it to organic jarred baby food for a while and teething biscuits. That way we can control what he eats a little easier. But he loves to eat!

He loves his big brother. Sometimes he does not have the patients for him when he's in his face. But they play together all the time and really enjoy each other's company. They laugh together and get into mystchevious adventures together and talk to each other, I love having boys that click to well. Yep they already fight and wrestle! I had no idea it would be this soon but it's just kinda par with the course!